Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day :)

Today Is Valentines Day?!

Today because I absolutely can, and will make use of this hallmark holiday i've decided to post 15 of the heesiest pickup lines in the history of picklines... and cheesieness. Five points if you've ever used one of these lines... 20 if it actually work. :D
1. Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes...
2. If i could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together.
3. You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy
4. you're like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life.
5. Beww BEWWW Beww (What?) That is the sound of the ambulance coming to pick me up because when I saw you my heart stopped!
6. Are you O.K.? Because heaven is a long fall from here.
7. Can I borrow a quarter? ["What for?"] I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the man/woman of my dreams.
8. Is there an airport nearby or is that just my heart taking off?
9. If i recieved a nickel for every time i saw someone as beautiful as you, I would have five cents.
10. I was wondering if you had an extra heart, mine seems to be stolen.
11. There's something wrong with my cell phone, it doesn't have your number in it.
12. i bet you 20 dollars you're going to turn me down.
13. I don't have a library card, but do you mind if i chck you out?
14. You're so sweet, you put Hershey's out of buisness
15. Did it hurt? (what?) when you fell out of heaven?
Happy valentines day! Have a good one!
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." ~Albert Einstein

Friday, February 11, 2011

More than Precious

Here is a memoir i made for english, it's my most precious memory, hope you like it,

More than Precious

Have you ever received something precious, something you’ll always cherish; a gem, a piece
of jewelry, or a gift? I know what it’s like to have something you cherish. In my case it’s not an
object; but a memory.

Still and silent, not a sound vibrates through the air. It is as if the world is moving in slow
motion. As I lay in my bed of cocooned warmth I embrace the quiet. I peer through the lid
of my eyes and things slowly fall back into reality. I feel the warmth of the sun gently touch
my face and I smile; it’s a new day; a day to explore, a day to create, and a day to just be me.

I stretch feeling the crisp sheets under me move as I move. It’s the best feeling ever; half asleep and knowing that there is no school. I take a deep breath and I open my eyes fully as I look at the dolls and toys on the surfaces of the room around me. It’s my personal world, a place where I feel safe and comfortable. Suddenly, I hear a sound.

It’s the sound of pots and pans clanking in the kitchen. Smiling I bolt out of bed; dads up! I
break into a huge grin because dad plus kitchen noise equals one awesome weekend breakfast. I
quickly scramble out of bed and eagerly tip toe across my room towards the door. It’s as if my
room is an obstacle course. I dodge soft plushies, and books but I finally make it to the door.

Slowly I reach for the golden door handle and turn it ever so quietly; I don’t want anyone to
know I am awake. I push the door and let it swing open, cringing at the small squeak. But finally the door is open, and I am immediately hit with the smell of bacon and eggs. My mouth starts to
water. I can’t wait until it’s ready. My stomach starts to grumble as I tip toe down the
hallway towards the kitchen, wanting to see a breakfast in progress.

The kitchen door is already open, so I peek around the frame and look into the warm blue
coloured room. The room smells wonderfully of eggs, bacon, and toast, which I see spread out
all over the counter where my dad is cooking. As the eggs fall into the pan they sizzle to life.
He cooks with certainty and skill, and knows exactly what he’s doing. I jump a little as the
toaster pops into life unexpectedly. My dad turns towards the door and smiles. He waves at me to come forward into the kitchen, so I do.

My dad asks if I want to help. Of course I want to help, so I nod eagerly and I look up at my
dad as if to ask what I can do. He thinks for a moment and then smiles. The next thing I know, I am assigned the job of toast. He shows me how to put the thick Texas style toast into the little
white toaster and push down the handle. I learn quickly as I repeat his movements. I watch as the wires heat up and turn red in the toaster, just as I start getting bored; the toaster pops loudly!

My first task complete, I wonder what to do next. My dad then shows me how to scoop and
spread the butter on the toast. I make note of what he does and prepare to repeat it. I take my
silver knife and stick it into the butter and I take a big yellow clump. I then turn to my perfectly
toasted toast and I go to spread the butter like my dad has shown me. It’s not working. I try
again, but instead of the butter spreading nicely and evenly, it comes out clumpy and messy.
Frustrated, I throw the knife onto the brown counter top.

Then, my dad comes back towards the toast area. He must have noticed my anger because he
calmly tells me to pick up the knife again. Sighing I grab the knife with my left hand and grip it
tightly in frustration. My dad calmly takes my hand and slowly turns the knife so the blade faces downwards. He tells me to try again with the knife this way. I dip my knife into the butter and pull out another blob. I stare down towards my crispy toast. Here goes nothing! I spread the butter the way my dad showed me; blade down.

The knife smoothly spreads across the surface of the toast, gliding with ease; no clumps or
bumps this time! I did it! With the knife in hand I smile up at my dad who smiles right back.

This is what is precious, this is what I hold dear; a Memory. There will never be another like
it, I can never recreate it; it will be something that I’ll always cherish. Because when you lose
someone you hold dear, like I did my dad, every memory is more than precious.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

You Really Shouldn't

I'm in A Develish Mood

Have you ever been in that mood where you just want to do something you really know you shouldn’t for no apparent reason? Like knocking down a card castle while someone is making it, or breaking a plate for no reason, or even sticking a knife in a toaster because you know it’s something you really shouldn’t be doing. I don’t know, but I feel like that right now.

Hey, hey, hey, I know what you’re thinking, “this girl is nuts! Why would I ever want to do something like that?” But just admit it, you know you get that feeling sometimes where you just want to do something stupid/dangerous/completely inappropriate just because you can.

Don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to run outside in the winter time with your shorts and t-shirt to rebel against winter, or wear those socks and sandals cause it is a fashion faux pas, or (dare I say it) get that urge to reply to that insane question someone wrote on the bathroom stall. Yes, we all get this feeling people, just admit it. J

I for one am completely and utterly admitting to getting this feeling, and sometimes act on it, (when it doesn’t involve injuring myself, breaking something, or if it’s illegal) So for tonight I decided to write a list about things I want to do, but NEVER EVER actually do when I get this feeling.

1. Sticking a knife in a toaster, (don’t even question me, I would never do this!)
2. Slapping someone unexpectedly
3. Walking on a cactus
4. Licking a knife
5. Making grilled cheese blindfolded. (This one I’m considering doing in 2011, it’s on my list of things to do this year. )
6. Throwing a ceramic mug
7. Punch my Laptop
8. Drop kick a pair of scissors
9. Open a pop can with my teeth
10. (This is a terrible one that I know I would get straight back ten fold) Slapping my sister.

“If you feel the urge, don't be afraid to go on a wild goose chase. What do you think wild geese are for anyway?” - Will Rogers

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Start

Fresh and New: Semester Two

The smell of never before written on paper, the refreshing sensation of being fully rested, and the awesomeness of knowing you wont have too much homework in the next week; that my friends, is the beginning of a new semester. I always Love new semesters, they are a fresh start, (it also helped that I now never have to take another math or science course ever again! :D) and a great introduction to future courses that you might be thinking of taking.

Currently it is unofficially day two of the second semester, the first day was Tuesday. I know your thinking how does that work seeing as its Thursday today. Well that can only be described as a wonderful gift; and that gift from Mother Nature is a great thing Canadians call a snow day. Yup when the board members declare the weather conditions are too bad, or there is too much snow and all the students excitedly get to sleep in. That is the best part about living in Canada. J
This semester should be extremely easy for me, but also incredibly taxing seeing as I have two English courses,( Media studies, and University English), Drama (which we are doing the school play) as well as religion. Very easy but an incredible work load. I think the only thing that will keep me sane, is probably blogging, and a new book I bought today!

“The Book of Awesome” is just that, an awesome book. It explains 1000 awesome things n daily life that just makes you feel good. Some examples I enjoyed so far were things like: “ popping bubble wrap, illegal napping, when your driving and you see a police car but realize your going the speed limit, as well as high fiving a baby because they never leave you hanging.” It’s a really good book to read if you want something light and funny to read.

Lastly for this entry today, I just wanted to say that the poem I entered into the remembrance day contest, (which I blogged bout November 11) made first place in my school! And now is moving on to the next level, I receive an award and get to go to an awards dinner, just thought I’d share that, I really didn’t think it was going to win. :D Anyways, happy Blogging!

"Awesome thing # 306, Grabbing a tissue at the last second before sneezing..."

here is the website of the author of theawesome book i'm reading :